About Nikki Antone

Nikki Antone is a University of Nevada-Reno Alumni and the owner of Designing Destinies; a consulting and management resource for leaders, business owners and CEOs that seek the essential communication skills needed to survive changing markets, mitigate or manage losses and enjoy their profession. The love of developing people into successful, joyful, ethical and loyal employees led to an NV Woman of the Year award and National Salesperson of the Year award 4 times. Nikki continued her education at the University of Washington PCBS Masters Program while chairing and serving on the board of directors for Junior Achievement, the Reno/Sparks Chamber of Commerce and currently UNR’s College of Business Alumni Association. In 2018, Nikki co-founded Leadership 4TEENS, a Northern NV nonprofit dedicated to helping our high school students identify their strengths early on and assist them in connecting their diverse qualities and talents to fields in which they will naturally excel.
As a senior leader for a Fortune 500 bank, Nikki was responsible for a sales force of 200+ people, creating their professional development plans, managing 1 billion in assets and serving Reno and rural Northern Nevada for 20 years. Retirement quickly inspired the need to help people discover their innate skills that will help them succeed in a profession that fulfills a purpose. Nikki is Gallup-certified in StrengthFinder and Q12 Employee Engagement and proudly serves over 150 clients nationwide since 2018.
My personal mission is to inspire and empower businesses. Are you ready to use my specific skill sets to accelerate your business growth?
Turning Businesses into Success Stories
Nikki’s Strengths:
1. Strategic – A distinct way of thinking, having a strategic mindset enables me to see patterns in levels of complexity. I am able to point out potential obstacles in life and find the best ways to overcome them.
2. Achiever – With an internal fire burning inside, nothing can get in the way of my drive. I seek to achieve something tangible every day and thrive off of accomplishments and results.
3. Woo – Standing for “winning others over”, in layman’s terms, I am a people person. I love getting out and being involved in the community, drawn to meeting new people and experiencing new situations.
4. Activator – Impatient for action, life is a constant stream of learning and implementation. I am not afraid to put myself out there, as constant action keeps my brain fresh and informed.
5. Significance – As an independent spirit, the work I do is a passion, not just a job. I strive to create significance not just in my own life, but in the lives of everyone I touch.
6. Communication – Exceptionally easy to put my thoughts into words, as a communicator I like to speak, describe and speak in public in a way that piques interest and captures attention.
7. Ideation – I am fascinated by ideas. As a business coach, my ideation strength helps me to find connections amongst people and within an organization.
8. Belief – Belief means I have a defined purpose for my life, driven by a core set of values. I value responsibility and ethics amongst myself and others.
9. Competition – Competitive to the core, I revel in competing in contests and always strive to outperform. That also means bettering myself by learning and growing every single day.
10. Command – With a strong presence, I tend to take control of a room and am a prime decision-maker. I am driven to take charge and always feel compelled to take on life.